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medical moulage how to make your simulations come alive
350.00 USD plus tax & shipping
Make your simulations come alive with this cookbook for medical-trauma moulage.
Large, beautiful, hardbound book with over 300 special effects recipes and scenarios for field and clinical simulations.
Simple recipes designed for the beginner through advanced user including 1,200 vibrant, full-color illustrations, step-by-step directions, ingredient customization, pre-make, storage and "Set the Stage," a quick guide to staging realistic training in both field and clinical environments.
This comprehensive moulage manual includes staged wounds, cyanosis, mottling, blisters that rupture, sutured wounds, odors and just about everything in-between. Heighten the realism in your training simulations with this easy to use moulage training manual.
Moulage that looks, feels, sounds and smells
like it’s the real thing!
Medical Moulage: How to Make Your Simulations Come Alive
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Nursing Moulage Products
Trauma Moulage Products