Moulage-The art and science of applying life-like injuries to assist in providing realism, training techniques and shock desensitization. Moulage may be as simple as applying pre-stained bandages or as complex as using advanced three-dimensional, interactive wounds that incorporates odors, theatrical techniques and sensory engagement. Medical Moulage- How to Make Your Simulations Come Alive will assist you in providing theatrical realism to the training scenario.
The addition of moulage supports the cognizant perception and differentiators in a training exercise, assisting the responder in confirming the physical signs that support the diagnosis and discovery of data pertinent to patient assessment. Moulage, when used in conjunction with training scenarios may provide additional cues to prompt responders in gathering additional information relevant to the correct treatment —all of which increases knowledge and performance in response time, evaluation clues, critical thinking, realism and engagement.
Medical Moulage- Your one-stop training tutorial to creating rashes, ulcers, thick- odorous drainage and just about everything in between!
Medical Moulage by Bobbie Merica
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- Make your simulations come alive with this cookbook for medical-trauma moulage! Hear, feel, see, and smell like it’s the real thing!
Large, beautiful, hard bound book with 300 special effects recipes and scenarios for field and clinical simulations! Simple recipes designed for the beginner through advanced user that includes over 1,200 vibrant, full-color illustrations, providing step-by-step directions that use readily available ingredients. Heighten the realism in your simulations whether using manikins or live actors!